Online store - for your customers and event attendees
Create a custom online store with a uniquewith unique identity and sell products to a wider audience during your onsite events. Our platform offers plenty of useful features to enhance your brand exposure which ultimately results in more sales.
Sell a variety of products
Earn more profits and grow successfully by selling the items at your physical events, online. We support a wide range of products that a traditional e-commerce platform can’t handle, such as rentals, camping packages, bus tickets, food, drinks, and more.
Gain greater control by integrating it with your existing marketing platforms
Manage your online and onsite operations in a synchronized way! Preo quickly integrates with your event app to create a unified environment that streamlines your sales process while offering added flexibility and control to the event organizers.
Focus on the customer experience
Create a positive customer experience with Preo wallet, which is quick, secure, and simplifies the overall buying process. It brings several payment features under one platform to offer users maximum ease for payments. As a result, you will see an instant boost in sales.
Offer a range of pickup methods
Deliver products to customers through their preferred method! Our platform comes with several pickup options that can be customized per the product type and customer preferences, ensuring a secure transit to boost your client satisfaction score. Best thing?

You don't have to add additional hardware onsite.